Ultimate Orienteer #6 – Classic (Pig War)

Download and print the Teanaway Weekend info doc.
The Ultimate Orienteer series is the sampler pack of orienteering: each event gives you the opportunity to try a different flavor!
The sixth event in the series is: THE CLASSIC!
Before the specialties of sprint, middle, and long were developed, there was just the classic. Long in length and an all-around test of skills. Elite men may finish a classic in as “little” as 70-80 minutes, but mere mortals should plan on at least twice that time or more and carry a hydration pack and a snack.
The Classic is the first part in a double-header weekend in the Teanaway valley. Join us on Saturday for the Classic, then stay for Sunday’s Score-O. There’s free camping nearby and a selection of hotels in Cle Elum.
This event will include the 2017 Pig War Challenge.
Don’t count on being able to park near Registration. There may be limited parking available but the county plans to prohibit parking in this area. Please plan to take the shuttle we’re providing (see details below).
We are providing a shuttle to transport everyone to and from the registration/check-in area. The shuttle will run as-needed from approximately 8:15am to 3:00pm. Please figure shuttle ride time into your schedule.
Shuttle pick-up location: Teanaway Forks parking area
Shuttle drop-off location: Lick Creek turnaround area
8:15am – First shuttle departs Teanaway Forks parking
3:00pm – Last shuttle departs Lick Creek turnaround
Approximate round-trip time: 15 minutes
You might also consider parking at Teanaway Forks and riding a bike the approximately 2.5 miles to Lick Creek.
There is also a small parking area 1.5 miles north of Lick Creek gate, from which you could park and bike. We do not recommend walking along North Fork Teanaway Road, as there is not much of a shoulder and vehicles sometimes drive fast.
A Discover Pass is required to park at the Teanaway Parking area (and anywhere in the Teanaway Forest), and there is no on-site pay station. You can purchase a Discover Pass online and print a temporary pass until your pass arrives in the mail. You can also purchase a pass in-person at various retail locations. One-day and annual passes are available.
The Classic is the first stage of a double-header weekend in the Teanaway valley. Do the Classic, then stay for Sunday’s Score-O at Teanaway Forks. There’s free camping nearby and a selection of hotels in Cle Elum.
Course designer(s): Peter Golde
Course | Controls | Length | Climb |
Beginner | 9 | 2.0 km | 30 m |
Intermediate | 12 | 2.9 km | 95 m |
Short Advanced | 12 | 3.9 km | 155 m |
Long Advanced | 17 | 6.2 km | 265 m |
How are courses measured?
Courses are measured as the crow flies, in a direct line from control to control. Unless you have wings, you will travel farther than this distance! Courses are measured in kilometers, so a good rule of thumb is to simply round up to miles to estimate how far you will go. So in a 5 kilometer race, you’ll likely travel up to 5 miles.
Peter Golde, Course Designer
Scale: 1:10,000. Contours: 5m.
Course closes at 2:30pm. Please check in at finish before that time to avoid disqualification.
I hope you will enjoy this beautiful and challenging area. This is my favorite orienteering area in Washington State, with a great combination of challenging contour navigation, open forest running, and not too much climb.
Please note that Short Advanced and Long Advanced are set to the same technical difficulty level, and differ only in length. You should only attempt one of the advanced courses if you are comfortable map reading and navigating via contour lines only. No matter what course you choose, it is crucial that you keep track of where you are on the map at all times; relocating in this area is very difficult if you make a mistake.
Safety Bearing: If you do get hopelessly lost or otherwise need to head in, head south-east until you reach the main paved highway, following other roads either south or east.
The map was last updated in 2009, but is still very usable if you keep that in mind. Rootstocks (brown X) and logging piles (brown circle with dot) should be ignored. Solid green areas are still roughly correct and useful to avoid, although some of the smaller green areas are gone. You will probably find it difficult to discern the difference between the forest (white) and open land with scattered trees (checked yellow/white). Many of the clearings or open land with scattered trees now have a significant new forest of young trees. Contours, rocks/cliffs, and the larger trails and roads are your best bet for navigation. Due to the recent snow melt, streams are running high and marshes are more like ponds.
The intermittent trails (double dashed lines) may exist faintly but are often totally gone. All other trails should exist. The next smallest size trail (narrowest dashed line) may be hard to see until you are right on it but can be followed once you see it.
You will very likely see or hear deer and birds nesting on the ground, which can be startling but are harmless. There is a very slim chance you may encounter a bear. If you do, speak calmly to it so it knows you are human, retreat slowly, and do not run.
Registration: 8:30-11:15am
Starts: 9:00-11:30am
Shuttle: 8:15am-3:00pm
Course closure: 2:30pm (report to the finish by this time to avoid disqualification)
Newcomer instruction: 9:15-10:15am
$17 base price
– subtract $5 for CascadeOC members
– subtract $5 for using your own e-punch
$20 base price
– subtract $5 for CascadeOC members
– subtract $5 for using your own e-punch
What’s an e-punch?
An e-punch records your race. At each control, you’ll dip the e-punch into an electronic box, which will beep and flash as confirmation. After you finish, you’ll download the e-punch at the download tent and get a receipt that show which controls you visited and how long you took between each; these are your “splits.”
Part of the fun of orienteering is comparing your splits with people who completed the same course, and discussing the routes you took!
Online pre-registration closes: 9:00 pm, Thursday, May 11
Day-of-event registration is available by cash or check, made payable to Cascade Orienteering Club.
Looking for a carpool? Join the Yahoo listserv and share your request to find a ride.
Part of a chain of orienteering maps in the Teanaway Community Forest, Lick Creek is rugged, challenging, and beautiful. There is a ton of contour details and large areas without trails, making this one of Cascade’s most challenging and rewarding maps to navigate. Vegetation becomes quickly outdated here, so do not rely on vegetation alone; contours are your best friend!
New orienteers should consider choosing a shorter or easier course than usual.
Lick Creek is rugged and moderately hilly, with some especially steep areas that nice course designers try to avoid. Deadfall on the ground makes running or hiking more strenuous.
Read more on the map pageSAFETY & ETIQUETTE
Return to the Finish
All participants MUST return to the finish and download their e-punch or turn in their punch card.
Even if you have not finished your course, you must still return to the the finish and confirm with event staff that you have returned safely.
Out of Bounds
Some areas may be marked out of bounds. It is imperative to respect these boundaries to maintain our relationships with land managers. Participants MUST NOT go out of bounds. Any participant caught going out of bounds will be disqualified.
Course Closure
All participants MUST return to the finish by course closure time. If a participant does not return by course closure, event volunteers will begin coordinating a search party.
If you need a long time on the course, start as early in the start window as possible, wear a watch, and be prepared to cut your course short to make it back by the course closure time.
All participants MUST carry a whistle on the course. Complimentary whistles are available at the start tent (please only take one).
If you are injured on the course and need assistance, blow three long blasts to call for help.
If you hear a call for help, abandon your course to find the person in distress.
Part of the fun and fairness of orienteering is navigating your own course, so please be polite when you find a checkpoint and don’t holler that you’ve found it.