February 3, 2025 by Caroline Sandbo
2024-2025 Season WIOL#7 Offered Training Package Race Prep Preview 2020 Fire Mountain races on COC’s Routegadget Pick a course relevant to your own/ your students’. Plan your routes for each leg and consider: How do I travel through a “green” map like this without getting caught in dense vegetation? What shortcuts can I use? Do I usually travel faster by taking the trails around or cutting through the woods? Watch any available GPS tracks for that race and compare the […]
January 6, 2025 by Caroline Sandbo
2024-2025 Season WIOL#5 Offered Training Package Race Prep Preview 2023 Big Finn Hill races from our Wednesday Evening Series on COC’s Routegadget Pick a course relevant to your own/ your students’. Plan your routes for each leg and consider: How do I ensure I’m approaching the control from the right direction? Do I have a solid, hard-to-miss attackpoint? Which routes have the fewest turns? Watch any available GPS tracks for that race and compare the competitor’s routes to your own […]
December 3, 2024 by Caroline Sandbo
2024-2025 Season WIOL#3 Offered Training Package Race Prep Preview 2022 Pierce College/Fort Steilacoom races on COC’s Routegadget Pick a course relevant to your own/ your students’. Plan your routes for each leg and consider: How do I ensure I’m approaching the control from the right direction? Do I have a solid, hard-to-miss attackpoint? Which routes have the fewest turns? Watch any available GPS tracks for that race and compare the competitor’s routes to your own planned ones. Day of Meet […]
November 5, 2024 by Caroline Sandbo
2024-2025 Season WIOL#1 Offered Training Package Race Prep Preview 2022 South Seattle College races on COC’s Routegadget Pick a course relevant to your own/ your students’. Plan your routes for each leg and consider: How do I ensure I’m approaching the control from the right direction? Do I have a solid, hard-to-miss attackpoint? Which routes have the fewest turns? Watch any available GPS tracks for that race and compare the competitor’s routes to your own planned ones. Day of Meet On-site […]
December 10, 2023 by John Brady
Field Trip To The Gorge The week prior to Jr. Nationals, there will be a one-day training designed to help prepare COC kids for US Jr. Nationals the following week. If you have never raced in a venue other than WIOL, then you will not want to miss this. The intended audience is: Middle School JV Varsity (Elementary are welcome, but all training will be at advanced MS and above, and elementary must be accompanied by their parent unless specifically […]
December 10, 2023 by John Brady
2023-2024 Season WIOL#6 Offered Training Package Race Prep Preview previous Summit Trails events on COC’s Routegadget How to use RouteGadget 2021 Race 2022 Race Play the video game Running Wild Each of these links will take you to a computer simulation video game. The simple object is to click on the screen the route you would take to get to each checkpoint. However, if used as a visualization and route tool, you will see it can be much more […]
November 27, 2023 by John Brady
2023-2024 Season WIOL#2 Offered Training Package Race Prep Preview previous Shoreview events on COC’s Routegadget How to use RouteGadget 2022 Race 2021 Race Play the video game Running Wild Each of these links will take you to a computer simulation video game. The simple object is to click on the screen the route you would take to get to each checkpoint. However, if used as a visualization and route tool, you will see it can be much more useful. […]
November 5, 2023 by John Brady
2023-2024 Season WIOL#2 Offered Training Package Race Prep Preview previous N. SeaTac events on COC’s Routegadget How to use RouteGadget 2017 Race 2019 Race 2021 Race Play the video game Running Wild Each of these links will take you to a computer simulation video game. The simple object is to click on the screen the route you would take to get to each checkpoint. However, if used as a visualization and route tool, you will see it can be […]
October 2, 2023 by John Brady
Race Prep Preview previous UW Races on COC’s RouteGadget WIOL #4 Race 2021 WIOL #4 Race 2018 Play the video game Running Wild Each of these links will take you to a computer simulation video game. The simple object is to click on the screen the route you would take to get to each checkpoint. However, if used as a visualization and route tool, you will see it can be much more useful. I challenge you to consider this as […]
October 2, 2023 by John Brady
WIOL#1 Offered Training Package Race Prep Preview previous Lincoln Park Races on COC’s Routegadget How to use RouteGadget 2018 Race 2016 Race Play the video game Running Wild Each of these links will take you to a computer simulation video game. The simple object is to click on the screen the route you would take to get to each checkpoint. However, if used as a visualization and route tool, you will see it can be much more useful. I challenge […]