Junior Nationals Training Day

Interested in a one-day trip to prepare for Junior Nationals?  On March 16th, COC will be providing free training for all youth interested in participating.  RSVP and waiver will be required.  For details, see the training events page.  Link here:

Calling All Volunteers!

Hey COC- We could use a few more volunteers for WL #7 at Lord Hill.  Also, volunteering opportunities for JN2024 are posted. They are in 4 separate “events” – Fri Race, Sat Race, Sat Social Events, and Sun Race.  You can view them all here. We would appreciate it if you are heading to the Columbia Gorge Classic if you could take at least one volunteer shift during the weekend.

Record Setting Attendance, Iconic Venue, Great Weather

Winter League #4 at the scenic University of Washington had it all this past Saturday—great courses, outstanding weather, an incredible group of volunteers, and record-setting attendance.  We broke the old COC record of 426 starts accomplished in 2012 with a whopping 441 starts at UW.  When you add in group members (but not shadows) we had 494 folks running with a map in hand!  Add in shadows and we saw 504 folks who came through the start tents. Special thanks to all the volunteers who made it a truly successful day.

Sprint Training Opportunity

Are you a high schooler or older and love orienteering and just want to get “more reps”?  Do you like the social aspect of orienteering (listening to your peers make excuses as to why their day went so wrong)?  Do you want to learn from some of the most experienced orienteers in the entire USA?  Perhaps you are even curious about what it takes to make it on Team USA and want to hear some advice on the subject.  Do you…never mind, I am sure you must want to do this.  But what exactly is “this”?

After the race at UW, come meet at the finish line near the training sign.  As a group, we will all leave to a “remote location” and do some drills.  After we will hang out and snack and chat.  The goal is to talk about strategy, implement these strategies in a few drills, then talk about it all.  Oh yeah..and go FAST!
Meeting time:   1245
Starting time:   1PM
Finishing time:  3PM
Price:                Free
If you plan on attending this event, please sign up for an early race time at UW.
You must RSVP to this event.  This is the only way we know how many supplies to get (and if we can start early should everyone arrive).  RSVP no later than Tuesday December 12th.  RSVP is done by emailing John or Caroline at cascadeOtraining@gmail.com and simply saying you are coming to the training.