Students gearing up for the WIOL season are welcome to take part in this free training that includes lunch!


Instruction will be divided into two parts:

Those taking basic training will rotate through 3 stations to learn the following:

  1. Vegetation
  2. Symbols
  3. Contours

After rotating through the stations, students taking basic training will try a beginner-level orienteering course.


An opportunity for students to go more in depth in how to read terrain. After training, students will run a varsity level course that will take 30-45 minutes to complete.


9am – 1pm (lunch at 12pm)

11am – 3pm (lunch at 11am)


Registration for this training is free! 

Lunch is included, however, there is a $3 no-show charge to account for wasted food.


Training is free, but you must pre-register, contact the WIOL Registrar with the following information:

  1. First and Last Name
  2. School
  3. Grade
  4. Training level and session time:
    • Beginner, AM (9:00am – 12:30pm)
    • Beginner, PM (11:30am – 3:00pm)
    • Advanced, AM (9:00am – 12:30pm)
    • Advanced, PM (11:30 – 3:00pm)

Registration will close Wednesday, October 9th, at 9pm or when classes fill up, whichever comes first.  Please register early to be sure and get a spot, last year we had a long waiting list for all classes!

Learn more about volunteering

Volunteers make these events happen! You can volunteer and participate on the same day, plus earn volunteer points to earn a free meet.




Lynndale Park is a 1:4,000-scale map with a lot happening in it. You’ll find rolling hills, runnable forest, and a complex trail network bounded by open areas with buildings. This is where the school league training is held each fall.

Read more on the map page

Navigational Challenge: 5

Physical Challenge: 4


Return to the Finish
All participants MUST return to the finish and download their e-punch or turn in their punch card.

Even if you have not finished your course, you must still return to the the finish and confirm with event staff that you have returned safely.

Out of Bounds
Some areas may be marked out of bounds. It is imperative to respect these boundaries to maintain our relationships with land managers. Participants MUST NOT go out of bounds. Any participant caught going out of bounds will be disqualified.

Course Closure
All participants MUST return to the finish by course closure time. If a participant does not return by course closure, event volunteers will begin coordinating a search party.

If you need a long time on the course, start as early in the start window as possible, wear a watch, and be prepared to cut your course short to make it back by the course closure time.

All participants MUST carry a whistle on the course. Complimentary whistles are available at the start tent (please only take one).

If you are injured on the course and need assistance, blow three long blasts to call for help.

If you hear a call for help, abandon your course to find the person in distress.

Part of the fun and fairness of orienteering is navigating your own course, so please be polite when you find a checkpoint and don’t holler that you’ve found it.