End of 2022 Ultimate Orienteer Series and National Ranking Event, part of PNW Orienteering Festival
May 21, 2022 by Ing Uhlin

Join us at Fishtrap Lake on June 11-12 for the end of the 2022 Ultimate Orienteer Series. Fishtrap Lake has a unique scabland terrain, where the vistas are expansive but details are plentiful. There are few trails in this area, so you’ll appreciate the plethora of contour and rock details as you traverse this beautiful desert area. June is a great time of year for wildflowers here, so you might want to take a moment to enjoy them.
The Saturday event is a Middle distance National Ranking Event with courses in the standard range of White through Blue. The Sunday event is a Goat style event with five courses of different distance and difficulty.
These two events are the culminating events of the Pacific Northwest Orienteering Festival – Nine events over nine days. The PNWOF starts in Missoula on June 4 with an NRE Classic and a sprint organized by Grizzly Orienteering. The mid-week events are organized by Eastern Washington Orienteering Club. See the PNWOF webpage for general information about the festival and links to the individual events. Register through the PNWOF registration site for the entire festival or select the events you want to attend.