Registration closes Tue 20th at midnight – Four Days of Orienteering including the Marmot O’Cup coming to Spokane – June 22-25
May 19, 2023 by Michelle Kastner

Cascade OC in conjunction with Eastern Washington OC is putting on four races in the Spokane area June 22-25. Thursday will be a Forest Sprint and Friday a Classic hosted by EWOC; more info on both of these is available at Events | EWOC.
Saturday and Sunday will be the Marmot O’Cup at Fishtrap Lake. (Note due to permitting issues this event is NO longer at Fisk State Park.) Come experience the unique scabland terrain of Fishtrap Lake, where the vistas are expansive but details are plentiful. Saturday will be a Long and Sunday a Middle. More info here. Register here.
The registration will close on Tuesday June 20th at midnight, actually at 11:59 pm so be on time!