Did you miss the Night-O?
March 13, 2022 by Ing Uhlin

The courses are now posted on UsynligO so you can try out the fun and challenging courses designed by Keely Kinsman and Anique Johnson. Did you miss the Night-O and want to run a course? Did you run at Night-O but got lost and want to try again? Or just try a harder course? Do you want to do a course but prefer to orienteer in daylight and actually see where you are going? Go to UsynligO.no (https://usynligo.no/) and scroll into Hamlin Park. Look for the event “2022 Ultimate Orienteer #1 Night O Hamlin Park 3/12/2022”.
Never heard of UsynligO? Check out the instructions at https://cascadeoc.org/how-to-use-usynligo/. There is also good info here (https://cascadeoc.org/2021-winter-virtual-series/).