Get on the COC club email list
January 31, 2021 by Ing Uhlin

Did you know Cascade OC has a group email list? It is a “Discussion group for the orienteering community of western Washington state, USA.” But it is also a way for anybody on the list to communicate with other club members or other members of the list, and a way to get information out quickly about upcoming events, changes, or other critical information. This can be especially useful now when the newsletter has gone on a hiatus (hopefully temporarily).
For some background, COC had a Yahoo Group list for many years but after Yahoo discontinued support for their group lists last December, we have now switched to a Google Group list. It is not an ideal situation because one has to be logged into Google.
So what to do?
1) Go to (this becomes an active link if you open the News post).
2) Search for cascadeoc (as one word).
3) Ask to join.
4) Wait for the email confirmation from