Bog Slog at Lord Hill – virtual and tagged courses
December 28, 2020 by Ing Uhlin

Did you miss the Bog Slog event at Lord Hill? Or do you want to do the course again? Maybe find a better route to the control you missed on?
The three courses are posted as a “virtual event” on COC’s event page from where you can get PDFs of the maps with the courses. (Note that the legend and control description are files there too). The event is also on the UsynligO orienteering app (and its website ) from where you also can get the course files. The Jog (Intermediate) and Slog (Advanced) courses also have streamers and tags with the control numbers posted at the controls. (However, no guarantee that they have not been removed or eaten by squirrels.) The streamers and tags will be up at least through Jan 10 but possibly until Jan 18 (depending on when it is a nice day to take them down).
If you are not familiar with the UsynligO, please check its website and the COC News post ( ).
Note that the courses start at the south entrance to the park off Tester Rd. (Here)
Get out and enjoy!
Ing Uhlin