Are you passionate about navigational activities in the Puget Sound area? This is the place to be.

Cascade Orienteering Club puts on 20+ events in four series every year, with some local events as large as 400 participants—all with an amazing group of passionate volunteers.

On the third Thursday of every month, we check in with each other from 7-9PM on Zoom to identify anything standing in the way of success for upcoming events, anything we learned from recent events, and any ways we can better support our mission of growing map-based navigation as a sport. All meetings are open to the public and notes shared.

The board follows an agenda (see above), but all COC members are welcome, and every meeting has a dedicated section near the end for discussions—any topics that may be broader than planning the next events or a snapshot of our current operational status. This section is free-form and where any topic can be introduced and considered.



  • President: Bob Forgrave
  • Vice President: Ing Uhlin
  • Secretary: Patrick Nuss
  • Treasurer: Nancy Devine
  • Series Directors:
    • Winter League: Michelle Kastner
    • Ultimate Orienteer: Debbie Newell/Ing Uhlin
    • Choose Your Adventure: Patrick Nuss
    • Wednesday Evening Series: Will Enger
  • Coordinators:
    • Mapping: Dave Tallent
    • Training: Caroline Sandbo
    • Land use: Jennifer Castelluccio
    • Social Media: Anique Johnson/Keely Kinsman
    • Newsletter: Anna Zaster
    • Equipment: Rebecca Jensen/Kate Byers-Jensen
    • Website: VACANT
  • Member Representatives:
    • Brett Buchholz
    • Cynthia Bartok
    • Ethan O’Connor
    • Mack Malloch
    • Will Enger